Lyon 06/07

I'm going to Lyon for a year, and this is what I'm getting up to!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I went to Strasbourg for the weekend to see Sonia, my friend from Glasvegas. 5 1/2 hours on the train and i arrived ready for a weekend of fun and frolics Strasbourg style!

Sonia lunching in Germany..! we walked there for lunch - 20 mins, over a bridge and you're in Kehl - suddenly ordering a coffee is much more difficult...!

The Glasvegas massive of Strasbourg. Sonia, me, Emma and Gemma.

The first german sign! i have no idea what it says... any thoughts anyone...?!

Me and my new boyfriend, the german brioche man :D

Me, Sonia and her Strasbourg girls in 'Le Salamandre' this time a drinking establishment in Strasbourg! Gemma (Glasgow), Sonia, Zara (Cork), me and Zoe (somewhere in Wales...!).

Yes, so yet again a good time was had by all. This weekend its Geneva - good times!!!

Hope you're all well.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Beaujolais Nouveau!

Le beaujolais nouvea est arrive!

Beaujolais villages and crisps sur un bench in Beaujeu, awaiting the festivities.

Celine (Stockholm), Emily (North Carolina), Bex (Wellington NZ), Phil and Noelle (Aussie) plus hats.
At the cave.
Assorted revellers drinking wine and eating french artisan sausage...!
Jill and I after a few vinos!
Torchlit procession of all the winemakers to the main square, just before the unveiling of the beaujolais nouveau!

Yep, so, we got on a bus in Lyon at 2pm and didnt return for 13 hours... Fun was had by all with lots of degustations gratuit! Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrive!!


j'ai vingt ans!

Yes, its that time again, im another year older... To celebrate we had a 80s party in a pub in which phil djs, the Amsterdam in vieux Lyon. Let the chaos commence...

Bella, Stephen and I in the pub - the girls made a bit more effort than the boys on the 80s front...!


Celine (Stockholm), Myles (California), me and Jill.

Assorted revellers...!

Me and my birthday champagne!

The champagne shower - an experience that was much more fun for everyone else...!

The prize for the most effort goes to our southern hemisphere friends! some random australian, Bex (Wellington NZ) and Jess (Aussie!)
80s socks! Bex, Andrew aka the chan man (Manchester) and Sarah (Manchester).

Yep, so, yet again, a good time was had by all! Roll on next year - major party for my 21st and mums 50th! (sorry mum...) woooo!

