Lyon 06/07

I'm going to Lyon for a year, and this is what I'm getting up to!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Segolene, presidente!!

Last night me, amy, liz, jill, morvs and phil attended a segolene royal political rally in lyon! 20,000 people in a huge hall all cheering on la prochaine presidente de la republique! (on espere...!)

Amy and I with our 'segosphere' placards!

Jill and i dancing to sego's campaign song, the first verse of which is:
Tous unis pour porter l’espérance,
Tous unis pour faire gagner la France
Ségolène tu peux compter sur nous
L’avenir sera au rendez-vous

The crowds infront of us!

Sego's visage on some placards.

A beautifully nicked poster on morv's wall in our building.

Since us scots are so gutted at being out of ecosse for what promises to be a massive victory for the snp, we decided that we better get involved in french politics! As sego would say 'La France a besoin de vous!'



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