Lyon 06/07

I'm going to Lyon for a year, and this is what I'm getting up to!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

fete des lumieres

A Lyon tradition - every year they have a 'fete des lumieres' where they light up all the buildings around the city with funny coloured lights and generally be merry in the streets!

The opera
and again
Hotel de ville
Rue de la Republique
Place des terraux - we had a coffee here when you all came back from your history walk, maw and paw!
the big wheel!
Jill and i on the big wheel!
Rue de la Republique
Me, Jill and Phil au marche de noel, infront of the 'temple de fromage'!

yet again, a good time was had by all!

home in a week! good times!
